Monday, April 9, 2012

We’ve Moved

Well, actually, the church in Zlín has moved, we are still living in the same apartment.  As the departure date for the Andersons and Deutschmanns draws near, we no longer need the rented space we were using for the English teaching P1090611center. So, we moved out at the end of February.  Many of you know that the Reformed Church of Zlín also used the space at the center for Sunday worship.  When the decision to move out was made late last year, we started searching for another location for the church to meet.  We looked at rental properties in apartment buildings, storefronts, and factories – none of which seemed satisfactory for our congregation.

In the end, the Lord provided an opportunity for us to meet in the lovely building of the local Seventh Day Adventist church.  Some pictures of the inside of the building are nearby.  This is a wonderful facility!  It has seating for over 100 people (we only have 40 on a good day), a kitchen (we didn’t have one at the center), and a large area for meals and fellowship. So, it provides some room for growth.

Please pray with us that the church will see this change of venue as a challenge to grow. Thank you for your generous support!


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