Saturday, August 15, 2009

Zlín Part II


We also had the joy of visiting the Czech pastor, Rene and his wife Renata and their children. We once again were able to go with Rene out to the chata. Rene and Johnny enjoyed dressing up in beekeeping gear and checking out Rene’s bees. The field of the defining moment was even more beautiful this year than last. I would like to think that is part of God’s promised blessing. He promises abundant life, and that abundant life is found not in His gifts which are wonderful beyond measure, but in Himself. Following Him is worth everything.

Rene and Children

We were able to visit with Martin and Daša and spent a wonderful afternoon with them and their energetic daughter Krystyna in Luhačovice. As well as a short visit with Radká and Mirek in their home in Zlín. Each parting brought with it a longing to return quickly to this new home and church body where God is placing us. We continue to be humbled by the work God is doing in the hearts of His people. He is birthing new hope in their hearts, hope that God is near and that He has not forsaken them. Great is His faithfulness!

We spent time talking with everyone, asking advice, and trying to make decisions about so many different things. One big question seems to be what to bring and what to leave, as well as how much. So we spent time looking in a second hand furniture store, Asko (a furniture and mattress store), and Tesco (the Czech equivalent of Walmart) mainly to look at appliances. We spent most of our last day talking with 3 different organizations about our language learning. We are very encouraged by the wealth of possibilities that we found in Zlín.

Typical (??) Czech Living Room Chairs

In the afternoon Louise, Johnny and I had another appointment to look at some apartments in the area. We mainly wanted to get an idea of the size of our future living space, thinking that this would help us with the what to bring and what to leave question. The flats that we were shown are probably well outside of our price range and amazingly large. It is interesting to get a glimpse of how things like apartment hunting works here. It is a bit different. We are praying that God would put us in the place He wants us. It has helped tremendously to be able to talk over these details with everyone. So, as the train rolls out of Zlín taking us on to the days ahead, our hearts are full of wonder and amazement at our God. Following Him is surely the greatest adventure of all.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Zlín Part I

Pictures of Zlin from the top of the 21 Building.

We have just left our new adopted home town of Zlín. We are traveling by train to Bechynĕ to visit with one of our dear friends from camp, Mirka.

We arrived in Zlín on Saturday after camp, tired yet full of hope for all that God will do in the hearts of our dear friends, old and new. Sunday worship was a bit different for us, in that the sermon was in Czech with no translation, as you would expect. But, that gives us all the more incentive to quickly learn to at least understand Czech, if not to speak it. Sid was very gracious to give us the songs the church sings on a CD. We hope to work through them, translating and learning, so that when we arrive we will at least be able to worship through song with some comprehension. Johnny is so far ahead of me in this area. But we both have so much to learn and are grateful that God enables us to learn more every day.

The Zlin Worship Team

Lunch after Church

We spent several days of our Zlín days enjoying time with Hans, Gretchen, Sid and Louise. They are probably tired of all of our questions, but are so gracious in answering and helping with everything. We all seem to be anticipating the joy of working together, watching God move and work in the hearts of His people. We live with great expectation because God is at work continually. What a privilege it is for us to come along beside these precious people who exemplify the sweet grace of Christ in every way.