Tuesday, November 7, 2017

MTW Global Missions Conference

We are headed to the MTW Global Missions Conference in Dallas. It starts this Friday, November 10th. If you are planning to attend, please drop by and say hello. The Czech team will have a display booth in the exposition area. 

 We look forward to seeing you!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Discipleship Week Begins

Our crew for the discipleship week has arrived! Maddie and Kathryn have both served with our team in the past as interns, and now they’re back to support this week of intense learning and bonding among the teens in our church. God has grown this event from four girls in 2014 to fifteen boys and girls in 2017. Even more encouraging is the fact that the teens from our church have taken over a large part of the planning and preparation for this time of discipleship. They have invited their non-Christian friends. They will lead several of the key activities during the week. We are amazed and grateful to the Lord for his work among our youth. Please pray with us this week that our young people will see the fruits of their labors and rejoice in God.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

What a Difference!

Last year on March 19th, Evan and I took a long hike into the Hostyn Hills, very near the town where we used to host our English Camps. There was still some snow on the ground and we had to dress really warmly. 

Yesterday, when we retraced this hike, the flowers were blooming and the weather was so warm Evan only needed a T-shirt! I got a little too much sun on my old, bald head, but you’re not going to see a picture of that.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

We're Not in Kansas (or Alabama) Anymore

We have grown to really enjoy the snow here. It brightens the gray days and covers the bare, brown winter landscape. Sometimes the sun breaks through and we get a double treat. The snow, the brevity of the days, and the cold remind us that we're living in a foreign place - but one we've come to love.