Thursday, August 28, 2014

Planning Retreat

This week we help our third annual planning retreat with the leaders of our Czech church and their wives.  We were delighted with the ways that God blessed our times of prayer, our discussions, and our fellowship during this retreat.  Thank you for praying for us!

We spent the better part of three days in a remote village in the southeastern corner of the Czech Republic, about 80 miles from Zlin.  We were confined to the hotel meeting room much of the time, but we had one afternoon free.  We decided to take a tour of one of the last remaining areas of virgin forest in the country.  This small preserve is located on top of one of the peaks in the Beskydy mountain range.  The pictures show some of the reasons we have fallen in love with this place.   

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Looking Back and Looking Forward to Forever

It has been almost a month since the beginning of English Camp.  We had a very memorable camp this year.  We had two summer interns on board; we had a huge class of teens; we enjoyed great music from our music team; the teen class, with help from Karl Potts, created a video every day (try THIS link) ; Miriam and the teens led the camp in singing silly songs every evening (“Baby Shark” was the favorite, again).  It was a great week in so many ways.

For us, the most memorable times of the week were the personal stories of God’s work in the lives of our campers.  Especially meaningful for us was the night that two of the young women from our local church, Daniela and Eliška, told how they had recently committed their lives to Christ.  We were overjoyed.  
Please give thanks with us for God’s work among us and pray for these two girls as they take their first steps in God’s eternal kingdom.