Monday, April 21, 2014

Introducing Our Interns!

Our Czech friends in the local church are concerned for their children’s spiritual welfare, in the same way Christian parents in America are.  The problems Czech teens face are very similar to those teens encounter in America, but amplified in some ways.  The culture here is very secular and consumerist, like American culture.  There is little Christian influence evident in any aspect of public life here.  The parents in our church want to prepare their teens for this environment.  To help with their Christian growth, we are planning to host two young women this summer who will work among the teens in our church and help us with the English camp. 

Jinae from Blacksburg, Virginia and Kathryn from Medford, Oregon live almost 2,700 miles apart, but they share a passion for Christ that we hope they will impart to our teens.  These ladies are raising support and making plans to serve with us in Zlin in June and July.  Please pray for them, for the Lord to bless their work among the children of our Czech church, and, if the Lord encourages you to do so, please help them financially. 

To donate online to Jinae, please click on THIS link and designate your gift to account #14075; to donate online to Kathryn, please click on THIS link and designate your gift to account # 18807; or you may call MTW's office at 678-823-0030 or 1-866-373-6133 and ask donate to either account.  Please support your home church before you consider giving to our work. Thank you!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Who Would Die for That?

Dear Friends,

For the past week we have been traveling around Ukraine visiting our fellow missionaries who work there.  We went to encourage them, to pray with them, and we were the ones who came away encouraged.  In spite of the enormous political unrest and daily uncertainty, these brave souls are continuing to work for the Kingdom.  One family asked us, what if we feel called to remain, even if Russia occupies our city?  That is inspiring courage.

While we were in Kiev, we had the privilege of visiting the Maidan, scene of the late February, violent clashes between ordinary citizens and armed riot police.  Although the former battleground is still “occupied” by local militias, it is slowly being transformed into a memorial to those who died in the fighting.  Large patches of streets and sidewalks are covered with memorial candles and two-foot-thick piles of flowers.  There are dozens of makeshift memorials to the “heavenly hundred” who gave their lives to liberate their fellow citizens from the oppressive and massively corrupt former government.

Most jarring of all was a 10 meter stretch of sidewalk devoted to the memory of a young man who could not have been more than 17 years old – just a few years older than our grandsons.  What a sacrifice.  Who would give their son, or grandson, to buy the freedom of others?  Who would endure the lifelong pain of such a memory, such a loss?  God would.

With hopes for our own resurrection from the dead and the city whose architect and builder is God,

Johnny and Annette