Sunday, November 24, 2013

GMC in the Rearview Mirror

The global missions conference in Greenville was great!  We enjoyed the speakers, the worship, and the seminars.  But most of all, we enjoyed the fellowship.  It was wonderful to see old friends and meet so many new ones.  Thank you for dropping by our display booth and talking to us! 

We met several young women who expressed interest in our summer internship for 2014.  We’re looking for two young ladies who would be willing to give us 4 to 6 weeks of their summer next year.  Our little church has five teenaged girls who would really benefit from a relationship with a young woman who is passionate about her relationship to Jesus and willing to honestly share her faith as well as her struggles with our girls.  If this sounds interesting to you, please go to THIS link or drop us an email at .

Thanks for making GMC such a memorable event for us!