As many of you already know, we have been saying goodbye to our mission partners in recent days. Hans and Gretchen Deutschmann left for the US in late May. The Andersons were with us for a few more days. We will miss them.
We spent our last day with Louise Anderson visiting a very old castle ruin near the Polish border. Our friend Šarka Vlková invited all of us to join her for one last get together before the Andersons returned to the States. It was fun trying to imagine how the castle had looked in its prime. The townsfolk have done a wonderful job of restoring parts of the ruins. The castle houses a permanent exhibit of artistic metal works and hosts a large group of smiths and metalworkers each summer. Some of their exhibits are shown nearby.
Please pray with us for the Deutschmanns and Andersons as they make the transition to American life. Although it might sound like they are simply returning home, the truth is that most people who have lived abroad for any length of time find the adjustment to American life more difficult than the one they experienced in moving to a foreign country.