Saturday, February 4, 2012

Linking Czech Churches Together

One of our hopes for the Církev Reformovaná is that we can help her make connections to other likeminded churches in this country.  We took a “baby step” in that direction earlier this week by hosting a visit from the pastor and one of the leaders of Faith Community Church.  These men are missionaries with World Harvest Mission who are planting and nurturing an international church in Prague.  If you are ever in the neighborhood, please visit them.




We really enjoyed the long talks we had with Phil Davis and Bob Kinney.  We’re hoping this is just the beginning of a fruitful relationship.

Visit from Serena

In the first few weeks of January, we hosted Serena Long.  Serena is the daughter of Mark and Marge Long and a missionary to Costa Rica.  Our connection to this family was through the crisis pregnancy center in Birmingham where Annette and Marge worked together for many years.  Serena has felt God calling her to missionary life in Europe, so she wanted to visit  missionaries in this part of the world to explore how she might be used here. 

She helped us prepare for the upcoming move at our ministry center, taught one of our children’s Sunday School classes, and helped us reorganize our library.  We really enjoyed her visit and hope the Lord will use it to give her some direction for the future.  Please pray with us that she will understand God’s call and respond in faith.  P1080883